Friday 10 June 2011

Autodesk Inventor fun.

One week left until the Newark kit car festival. Things on my side are moving forward. Every single day I add something new to this vehicle, and at the same time change something. So, it's a never-ending process. Still, it's good. That means I'm learning. From my own mistakes.

About the progress:
1.New nose-cone design. The old one was alright, but it was too chunky, and a bit too open. The new one is a bit more conservative, though goes very nicely with the car. The black thing in the front will be a grille-mesh.

2.The second most important change was... The rear-end of the car. Now at least it has some potential. Sharp corners will get me into trouble, so I will have to figure out how to make them round-ish.

3.Frame! Replaced the square diagonal sections with cylindrical pipes.

4.Some rough sketches of wind deflectors can be seen as well.

5.And then the exhaust. It was pretty complicated, to be honest. But after 4 hours of modelling it looks pretty well. Just couldn't decide properly what function to use in the Autodesk Inventor. I'll list the available functions to create such a thing, just for the heck of it:
a) Draw some 2D sections of the pipes out of circles, then connect them with 3D splines and then sweep
b) Extrude different sections, then cut off the unnecessary portions. Use fillet command to round everything
c) Draw lots of 2D sections and the Loft-extrude them
d) Use the pipe command in Autodesk Inventor
    And, the one I chose:
e) Draw 2D sections of pipes, connect them with 3D line tool, 'bend' the sketch with the bend command, Sweep-extrude it, then Shell it.

6.The dummy-dummy. I actually found it on a website I mentioned earlier, the 3D content centre. All I had to do was assemble it and put it in the car. Pretty neat, huh?

7.Mirrors: Yes.

8.Interior covers/sheets: added.

I'm pretty sure that's about it. Unless I forgot something..

Oh right. 9. The steering wheel. I love Momo's steering wheels. Just absolutely simple.

I've uploaded the images to my Picasa webalbum, if you're keen, there are 6 renders, arranged in turn. If you press next, you can see the car in different stages of assembly. ( )

If you're too lazy:


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