Wednesday 13 July 2011

A new page.

Wow, it's been a while since my last post. Seriously, a bazillion years have past. Sorry, but I've been doing something...

...Something lighter, stronger, better, better looking and more exciting.

When I came back home, to have some rest I've been talking to people a lot. (Wow, huh?) No, I mean talking, discussing and arguing about the car I'm going to build. The results: 98% of people said 'it's nice'; 2% said that it looks funny (my father, to be exact). But, 60% of that 98% also said that they've seen it somewhere before/ it's not original. Yep, it looked like a Lotus 7 with fake teeth and a forehead tuck. I had to change something.

And there it is. A new era. A new dimension. Well, OK, it's not that big, but still, it's new.
New 'Top' layer of the frame.
New suspension design
Mudguards that are actually connected (Oh yes!)
Lack of roll bars. (New, simple one's coming soon (In computers near you))  <- Detachable roll bars are now present.
New exterior panels.

Yep, it's pretty big. And it looks like this:

Add me on Google+ for more details! (Link's on your right)

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