Monday 18 July 2011

Roll bars. The problem and the solution.

Phase 1, roll bar integrated with the chassis
Phase 2, roll bar integrated with the chassis
Now, remember the times when the car had roll bars as a part of the whole chassis? Like in the first phases of the car? (well, if you don't there are two images on your right, heh)

The thing is, I don't really like roll bars. Basically they were some random pieces of piping sticking out, to protect the driver's head. Didn't look right in the second stage of the model. Didn't like it. No one did.
So , what to do? It is necessary in case of an accident, but it looks terribly wrong. Solution: detachable Roll bar!
If you're going for a ride to the shop, or a trip to a beach, while driving with your flip-flops take it off! (Only 14 screws. Yes, that's a lot, but it's only for your own good)

If you're going for a quick lap on Sunday, attach the roll bar and you're safe(-ish, -er)! (well, sort of, it's still a kit car). Some people actually liked the looks of it more with the roll bar attached! What's your opinion on that? With, or without?

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