Friday 5 August 2011

Work In Progress

Engineering. I never get tired of that. To be honest, that's the most relaxing thing ever.

So I've been up to something for the last month. Something big. 

New chassis: 
When I first started building the space-frame chassis, I made it as a single solid with plenty of drawings extrusions and fillets. The good thing is that it's permanent. The bad thing is that it's permanent. That means if I make a mistake somewhere and want to fix it, I'm going to get in trouble. A good example: the 'bottom layer' of the chassis was built on cylindrical tubes. I needed it to be square pipes. So, if I want to remove the tubes I have to remove the swept extrusion that I made. BUT. It's not that simple when the rest of the chassis is built on top of those tubes. That means I had to fiddle around with extrusions and other witchcraft and what not, to make it work. But I didn't want to do it that way. So. I created a new assembly. Called it 'Chassis assembly'. Oh yes. Now, I'm building the car from ground up again, but this time I can adjust whatever I want (It's only connected with constrains), I can take one pipe, find out the exact dimensions and shorten it, adjust the angles and much more. This was a brilliant idea. But there is a downside to that : the amount of parts in the assembly. My computer is on fire most of the time, and everything around is crashing. (Now I have to keep suppressing stuff, so I can work properly)(And I'm begging to run out of fire extinguishers)
Other news:
There was one humongous mistake I made, this picture illustrates it perfectly:

Oh yes, you're absolutely right. The new frame is longer! Yes, I made the chassis 10cm too short, which meant I had to literally squeeze the engine in. It's just I didn't have the courage to fix it.

Another thing:
I have a fever. And the only prescription is LONGAH WISHBONES! Heh. Yep, the wishbones are longer and closer to the center, that means less camber angle change while cornering, which means better cornering and more stability! (surprisingly) Fortunately it's still sensibly wide. 

Let me remind you that the frame is still working in progress, so the panels are just slapped on to it, that's why everything's sticking out.

I am still very hesitant about the front nose cone. Just can't seem to design the right one. It'll change a couple times more, so don't be surprised. Suggestions are very welcome.

Well, that's pretty much it. To be continued...

P.S. If you have ANY suggestions or thoughts about the car, PLEASE do not hesitate to drop a comment below, on Twitter, or Google+
P.S.2 (Not Playstation 2) If you have ANY suggestions or thoughts about the blog itself (font, design, etc), same rules apply.

I am thankful for any help I receive.

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